The Redwood Art Group BLOG

02 Dec 2021

Meet the Artist: Jayson Fate

Jayson Fate is one of Spectrum Miami’s 2021 Spotlight Artist recipients. Learn more about Jayson below!

Q. Introduce yourself — who you are and what you do?

A. My name is Jayson Fate an artist from the Windy City Chicago.
I am considering an “outsider artist” specializing in collage and mixed media. 
I have been commissioned for multiple projects throughout the city and across country. 

Q. What is your background?

A. I have no formal art education, mostly a strong calling and a constant need to create, a devine intervention!
My journey started very early as a kid creating poster frame size art of family/friends life boards that eventually turned into figurative and pop art.

Q. How do you work?

A. I start with papers or images that inspire the pieces I envision. 
I tend to work alone with music as my muse. Cut and paste is my process on multiple surfaces. 
Found objects, canvas, board, glass, really any surfaces is fair game.

Q. What art do you most identify with?

A. Mostly pop art but I enjoy looking at minimalist work as well.
My art is vivid and the content is deep that it is nice to rest my mind witj something very simple. 
I am not an art snob, so anything that makes me smile I dig it.

Q. What artist(s) inspires you?

A. Dali is captivating and opened my mind to the development of dimension. Warhol opened my eyes to an abstract way to celebrate celebrity and his use of color. Basquiat was so ahead of the curve and made cultural statements that revolutionized today’s market. 
The rock group KISS and other musical artists have really inspired me the most. Music is so colorful and I know it translates into my work.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve received?

A. God first, love what you do.

Q. When you are not working, where can we find you?

A: Usually the gym or walking my neighborhood picking up litter. 
This combo requires visits to my chiropractor. I am a drummer as well so practicing I enjoy.
You may find me singing in my car, I found this app called Smule and believe I have recorded 171 songs already lol!

Q. What does exhibiting at Spectrum Miami 2021 mean to you?

A: Everything! It has been my goal to showcase in Miami and I feel in my soul this is the right event.
Thoughts do become things! wink


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