

  • Plant dyes on hanji paper | Framed
  • Created: 2019

South Korea artist Jaehee Yoo statement:

“My work is about the nature and scenery of South Korea. I make works out of materials such as natural plant dyes and traditional paper and dyed cloth derived from Ancient Korea.

The material of my work is hanji paper. Hanji is a traditional handmade species unique to Koreans. Korean paper made by peeling and boiling the paper mulberry tree. It is very durable. I studied the natural dyeing technique of Korea and it is a traditional technique. It developed through Gyubang culture, a Korean women’s culture. I am interested in Korean women’s culture and want to interpret it in a modern way.

My main ingredients are plant dyes extracted from native plants, such as indigofera, madder, soil, gardenia, lacquer, etc.. I cut dyed paper or tear and blend Korean ink.”


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Dimensions 24 × 22 in
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