“BRONZE SPANISH BULL” by Jesse Nusbaum


  • Bronze sculpture

Jesse Nusbaum is a sculptor from Connecticut best known for creating realistic bronze animals. His commitment to fidelity is displayed in a unique technique he developed to highlight surface details. The resulting sculptures appear so lifelike that viewers have reported feeling like they have “experienced a face-to-face encounter with the actual animal.” “I strive to replicate the actual subject,” explained the artist during a recent interview, “utilizing micro-detail encourages an intimate, close-up view.”

Command the room with this first-edition bronze Spanish fighting bull statue for sale from Jesse Nusbaum. This amazing piece features an unbelievable level of detail in the facial features and horns, and you can even see individual strands of hair. These sculptures are of museum quality and created using 100% hot cast bronze using the Lost Wax Method.

Whether you display your bronze bull sculpture in your home or use it to draw attention in a hotel or lodge, it is sure to impress. You won’t find pieces quite like these anywhere else!

Boasting life-sized dimensions, the bronze Spanish bull sculpture is attached to a 2″ thick stained wooden base.

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Dimensions 21 × 30 × 19 in
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