

Original artwork on (2) two stretched canvases, ready to hang.

Created: 2010

All artworks by Renata Cuellar are finely finished, using quality materials, and detailed on the sides so one does not have to frame their artwork, but can choose to if they prefer.

Additionally, all artworks are made with quality paint and high detail and uniqueness to each piece.


“Desnudo” was created to test the limitations on artwork.

The Artist states, “I wanted to create artwork that has never been done before. So I creatively assembled this artwork with mixed media, acrylic and three-dimensional effects. I used all my past years of classical training and created an art piece in my modern, up beat and colorful style.”

All artworks by Renata Cuellar are finely finished, using quality materials and detailed on the sides so one does not have to frame their artwork, but can choose to if they prefer.

Additionally, all artworks are made with quality paint and great attention to detail.

Additional information

Dimensions 60 × 48 × 1.5 in
UWCF Colors

Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow

UWCF Sizes

Large: e.g. 24 x 36"+

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