Early Spring


  • Signed by the artist
  • Framed

About the artist:
Alexander Rees was born in Moscow, Russia. He received his doctorate degree at the Gnesin Institute, now the Russian Academy of Music. Dr. Rees performed as a soloist, conductor, and chamber musician. Alexander played with prestigious chamber groups such as the Borodin String Quartet, Svyatoslav Richter chamber ensemble, Madrigal Baroque Ensemble, and many others. Alexander Rees found his passion for creating art during his teenage years. Since that time, he has been producing sketches and paintings. For many years, Alexander kept his art hidden from the public. It could only be viewed in private collections. After the publication of Alexander’s first art book, Moscow-New York-Moscow in 2003, Dr. Rees received several offerings from galleries to exhibit his art. After that, Alexander has participated in many solo and group exhibitions at reputable institutions such as The Museum of Russian Art in Jersey City, Pleiades Gallery of Contemporary Art and Salomon Art Gallery in New York, and others. His artworks can be found in private collections in Austria, England, Holland, USA, Russia, and Israel. Alexander is a member of the Professional Artist Union of Russia and Pleiades Gallery of Contemporary Art in New York.

About the gallery:
Artios Gallery is an e-commerce gallery that showcases a number of emerging and established contemporary artists selected for their unique creative and intellectual vision. The gallery supports artists with consulting, design of marketing strategies, publishing of promotional materials as well as creating curated public and private art events throughout the year. Artios conducts art workshops and lectures. Digital focus allows Artios to reach a global audience of art lovers, interior designers, and collectors alike, curating a gallery that ensures a personal experience for all of our guests.

Additional information

Dimensions 18 × 28 in
UWCF Colors

Green, Light Blue, Orange, Red, White, Yellow

UWCF Sizes

Medium: e.g. 20 x 24"+

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