Ferris Wheel Junkies


Mixed media on distressed crate wood.



By contrast, Kris’ works are gritty — both literally and figuratively — gray and layered, his subjects are centrally focused over a massaged background. Born out of necessity, he engineered what was available for a base. Practiced over time and throughout many paintings this strategy became his style — matching subject matter to canvas and frame. Used cardboard, worn and tattered tarps stapled to one-by-fours, boxes and dismantled furniture are just a few of the starting points for a Kris Gebhardt “paintumentary.” Each one tells a story about someone he has met, worked with and known — whether that is an actual person, the archetype of a being or himself. His inspiration comes from a variety of places like the Greatest Generation, friends, employers and his own non-artistic career. Gebhardt is proficient at portraying Every Man and his struggles. Never setting out to become an artist, Gebhardt wears many hats. He is a husband, father, entrepreneur, photographer, author, personal trainer and business man and draws his scenes from his many vocations.

Additional information

Dimensions 79 × 47 × 1.25 in
UWCF Colors

Beige, Black, Grey, Orange, Pink, Red

UWCF Sizes

Oversized: e.g. 36 x 48"+

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