‘HER’ Lips Dancing


  • Digital print on canvas | Dark brown wood floating frame, ready to hang
  • Created: 2020

Michael Xavier is from Gilroy, California and has an art background in Digital Media. Inspired by personal experiences, Michael expresses his thoughts and emotions through art. Michael was born deaf which led to a tough childhood. For most of his life he spent a lot of time exploring and understanding his struggles and used art to persevere and become stronger. Michael is very active and always looks for new methods and techniques that emerge with today’s new technologies. He applies this knowledge to create colorful digital abstract and contemporary art.

In 2018, Michael started his HER series, a collection of work that portrays the strength in women. ‘Lip Dancing’ was created in 2020 and is the twelfth piece to this series. During a conversation her lips are dancing, like each syllable and words are strung together like a song.

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Dimensions 20 × 30 × 2.25 in

Handmade Black Frame

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