

Etching, collage, monoprint

Limited edition of 1


Signed by the artist

About the artist:

Natalia Koren Kropf is a New York-based artist, specializing in drawing, painting, work on paper, printmaking, and sculpture. Born and raised in St.Petersburg, Russia, Natalia is a classically trained artist who is inspired by multi-faceted art life of New York City. Finding her own lyrical voice in its cultural polyphony remains a recurring theme in her artworks which she refers to as visual poems.

Notable exhibitions include New York University East Galleries, Parsons School of Design Gallery, NYC; International Print Center of New York, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, CT;  Silvermine Artists Guild, CT; Monotype of New England, MA; Lynn Art Museum, MA; Arts Club of Washington DC; Strathmore Mansion, MD;  New York Public Library, Art Students League of New York, Awagami Factory, Inbe, Japan; Kreuzeskirche Gallery, Essen, Germany.

About the gallery:

Artios Gallery is an e-commerce gallery that showcases a number of emerging and established contemporary artists selected for their unique creative and intellectual vision. The gallery supports artists with consulting, design of marketing strategies, publishing of promotional materials as well as creating curated public and private art events throughout the year. Artios conducts art workshops and lectures. Digital focus allows Artios to reach a global audience of art lovers, interior designers, and collectors alike, curating a gallery that ensures a personal experience for all of our guests.

Additional information

Dimensions 36 × 24 in
UWCF Colors

Beige, Black, Brown, Grey, White, Yellow

UWCF Sizes

Medium: e.g. 20 x 24"+

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