

  • Original oil on Canvas in black wood museum frame
  • Created: 2019
  • Limited Edition Prints: Edition of 10 | 1 left in the edition: 10/10

In 2018 I started the Tree of Life series.

I was wondering about the Tree of Life and its relationship to water and our Mother Earth.

In “Infinities” I was thinking about the human connection to Earth and the inner and outer worlds we find only when we are quiet in nature. How endless nature is. All of its beauty and all of its chaos. I kept finding myself spiraling into the quiet of the paint. I kept thinking it was like a nebula or the ocean. I couldn’t really determine which one.

I felt everything. Frustration, terror, genuine chaos and then peace. The calming of water. The connection of the earth and through the tree I found the stars. Absolute serenity.

“Infinities” explores the water and earth connection. How the infinite flow of water gives life to all things on earth. I was reminded of our eternal connection to the earth, to the water, the sky and the stars. The infinite calm.

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Dimensions 36 × 36 in
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