Zettabyte (recycled computer keys)


  • Original Artwork permanently installed into a white wood floater frame, ready to hang
  • Created: 2020

Made from 4761 recycled computer keys, about 54 keyboards

Scan it with your smartphone and you’ll find the following:

A ZETTABYTE is 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 bytes, 1,024 EB, 1,048,576 PB, 1,073,741,824 TB, or 1,099,511,627,776 GB,
983,826,350,597,842,752 pages of plain text (1,200 characters).
4,919,131,752,989,213 books (200 pages or 240,000 characters).
375,299,970,000,000 digital pictures (3 MB average file size).
281,474,977,500,000 MP3 audio files (4 MB average file size).
The Computer Key Artist -_-?

Living in a technological world, everything we see is pixelated. When we remember things, we are remembering mental pictures, which in turn is really the pixelation, rather than the piece itself. Think, why do so many people love the Mona Lisa but haven’t seen the real painting with their own eyes?

I strive to grasp this concept by creating pixel pieces that also send literal messages. Each piece becomes a journal entry for me. Recycled computer keyboards are collected, keys are popped off, color sorted, washed, and some dyed. Each key has its own personality expressed by shape, color, depth, etc. Placing these keys together gives a pixelated beauty from the front and a mesmerizing texture up close and on the side.

Additional information

Dimensions 50 × 50 × 2 in
UWCF Colors

Black, White

UWCF Sizes

Oversized: e.g. 36 x 48"+, Square

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