My paintings are the language of collective expression. I believe all people are connected and when we quiet our minds we can tap into a place that unites all living things. I take inspiration from the natural world. As an artist I ask you to contemplate the subtleties of life and want to leave you with a message of hope. When I make a painting I work for a sense of order and calm that simultaneously brings me inner peace and helps me process emotions. My hope is that through my art people will connect with themselves and others in a meaningful way.

Painting In Situ
Strawberry Moon

Painting requires mindfulness. The work calls and I listen carefully to know to respond in kind. Painting puts me in touch with that quiet inner voice that lies beneath the surface of daily activity.

I am a mixed media abstract painter. I am moved to integrate both expressionist techniques and hard line compositions as I find they complement each other and feel balanced.

“Real wisdom is recognizing and accepting that every experience is impermanent. With this insight you will not be overwhelmed by ups and downs. And when you are able to maintain an inner balance, you can choose to act in ways that will create happiness for you and for others. Living each moment happily with an equanimous mind, you will sure progress toward the ultimate goal of liberation from all suffering.” -S.N. Goenka Meditation Teacher


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