D I E G O  D E   E R I C E

V I S U A L   A R T I S T

P A I N T ING  &   S C U L P T U R E

He was born on August 9, 1986.

His artistic gifts began to manifest themselves at a young age in different types of art; finding a special passion, spontaneously and self-taught, for painting.

He has a clear tendency for abstract expressionism, he enjoys experimenting with the concept as well as the form. Over time, he has been testing and perfecting different techniques and ideas that have led him to quickly establish himself in a privileged place within the art market and exhibitions in Mexico.

His work not only shows the truth of his most intimate discourses, but it is also an invitation to personal retrospection, a confrontation with the reality that each person has in their hands. The possibility of knowing, understanding and accepting oneself, the possibility of personal freedom.


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