Trolley Stop


  • Photograph, framed, under glass
  • Created: 2019

Canadian photographer Brian Hunt statement:

As a product of the 60’s and 70’s, I was greatly influenced by those years. It was a time of ideas, music and artistic expression. Early work included pencil sketches, charcoal drawings, prints and watercolours.  Over the last decade, photography has inspired me to continue my  journey of expression, one that is formed by my life experiences. The good and bad times, the friendships and the events of the world have all contributed to shaping the work. I am fortunate to have had my work recognized by numerous competitions and galleries across Canada, the United States and Europe, and as the clock ticks on, I feel more and more compelled to leave something behind. Some marker that says I was here. I hope to continue building a body of relevant work that can be that legacy.

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Dimensions 22 × 22 in
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